September 05, 2008

good morning, sunshine

good morning everyone. what a lovely day. the sun is shining and the weather's actually great.

too bad i'm stuck at home, when my friends -my geng hewani plus plus friends- are probably having fun right now. probably going ice skating. or maybe shopping. huuhuhuhuhuhu... i couldn't join them cos i have my piano lessons today, (yes, i took piano course, but i dont think i'm good at it. hahaha) and i can't ask my sister to cover me again today.. huhu..

as for my teeth and chubby cheek. it's getting better, but u can still see it if u look closer. well i hope the chubby cheek'll gone by monday. it's a new semester, and it's not funny (ok, actually it is) when i show up and looking like half ikan buntel.

oh yea. that's the new banner. haha..
i actually want a colorful and sulurful banner. kind of psychedelic. lots of colors and elements. but i'm too lazy to make it. and currently i'm in love with old paper texture. so i decided to make the banner using the old paper texture. then i changed my mind about having a colorful and sulurful banner, i want it to be simple. and there you go.. my new banner. tadaaaa~

oh well, i guess i'm off to the next post~
3 days till holiday's over.. *sigh*

n.b: does anybody have ayaka's piano partiture?


Tensai Ryuu-chan! said...

ya oloh...

y in english?
y not in engrish?

ace the great said...

next time in engrish yeah, gahahhaa