December 28, 2010

random post

i was not in a good shape yesterday, i have a terrible headache and a fever, and i still feel crappy today, but i decided to go to work anyway since i already feel a little better.

so it's my 3rd week here, definitely a new experience. i have to adjust with everything. it's definitely not easy, and i'm still struggling.

not like any other offices, here.. we have cats. i am not an animal lover (but i love my bunnies). and i dont really like cats =_=

Luna, the mommy and Troy the kitten

here's a picture of Troy, taken yesterday afternoon. sleeping in a weird exhibitionist position. haha!

ok i guess that's it for now :P

December 22, 2010

late update

hey fellas.
it's been a while since my last post. i have a lot to tell! i've been writing and save em in drafts, so be ready for updates! :D

i've been pretty busy in the last couple of weeks. cos now i am not jobless anymore. : D

November 05, 2010


yesterday was the opening of our annual exhibition, Fresh n Brite 2010.
and my proud grandma came to see me and my project.
and yes, my grandparents really surprised me yesterday. i was walking towards onie and a guy came and ask onie something. that guy was holding a paper.. and i accidentally saw my name on it. and turns out... they sent me this hugee and beautiful flower arrangement. :D they're so cool! i've never received this awesome flowers before in my life! ♥ ♥ Thank you soo much!

awesome oma and her beautiful gift! ♥

October 27, 2010

i hope so

"If someone seriously wants to be a part of your life,
they will seriously make an effort to be in it. "

so.. are you?

October 23, 2010

9 words

i actually forgot where i got this article..
but it has some point XD hahaha..

Nine Words Women Use

1. Fine : This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2. Five Minutes : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3. Nothing : This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

4. Go Ahead : This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

5. Loud Sigh : This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

6. That's Okay : This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7. Thanks : A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' . that will bring on a 'whatever').

8. Whatever : Is a woman's way of saying F-- YOU!

9. Don't worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3

October 19, 2010

Fresh n Brite 2010

hey there fellas.

DKV Binus proudly presents our annual final project exhibition,
Fresh n Brite 2010!
check us out at Gandaria City, 4-7 November 2010.
for more info, you can visit our awesome website here!
see ya there!

here's a little sneak peek of our web :D

and there's me and my project, yaay! :D

October 17, 2010

a lovely day at the park

so today was sunny, the sky was awesome, a nice day for a walk in the park. :)
(and ice cream afterward. XD)

October 10, 2010


tanggal pilihan sejuta umat untuk jadian, nikah, dan melahirkan. XD

October 02, 2010

batik saturday

today's outfit XD

selamat hari batik!

kayaknya hari batik taun ini gak seheboh taun lalu. taun lalu sejuta umat berbondong2 pake batik, dimana2 ada motif batik, yg cowo2 langsung transformasi jadi kayak pak lurah, ato kayak mau ke kawinan. tp tadi gw pergi gak liat banyak org yg pake. malah pas gw lagi di parkiran mau pulang, ada segerombol anak2 ababil, yg liat gw berbatik ria trus baru sadar kl hr ini hari batik..
"eh iya! hari ini hari batik ya.. lupa gua. tau gitu gw pake batikk "

anyways. buat yg doyan makan.. cobalah makan di eat&eat. hwhw. suasana tempatnya asik, dan makanannya macem2. wedang rondenya oke loh! XD. boleh juga dicoba es selendang mayang, makanan khas Jakarta yg jarang eksis.

nasi langgi + wedang ronde kacang

and look. i found these @ JTown Creative Junction, Gandaria City. too cuteee!

September 24, 2010

cooking mama!

hello there.

i was watching tv last night, and saw Surreal Gourmet. and last night's episode, Bob Blumer (the chef and the host of the show) made this Apple Fritter.

what the heck is apple fritter?

according to wikipedia:
A fritter is any kind of food coated in batter and deep fried. Although very similar to a doughnut it differs in the fact that it requires some base ingredient beyond the dough it is cooked with.

so.. i think it's apel goreng in indonesian.. hahha :P
uhm so anyway..

since it's simple, i decided to try to make it myself. :D
here's the recipe. you can also find it here

Bob Blumer's Version of Apple Fritter


• 3 apples
• 1 lemon
• 1 cup flour
• 2 tablespoons sugar
• 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 2/3 cup milk
• 2 eggs
• 1 tablespoon butter, melted
• Vegetable oil for frying
• Maple syrup

1. Peel apples, then cut horizontally into 1/4-inch thick round slices. Use a paring knife or a round cookie cutter to press out the center, creating an apple ring with an exterior that is approximately 1/4-inch in thickness (i.e., like an onion ring). Drizzle with lemon juice to preserve colour.
2. In a medium bowl, add flower, sugar, baking powder and salt.
3. In a second medium bowl, add milk, one egg yolk and butter.
4. In a third medium bowl, add 2 egg whites and beat until peaks are stiff.
5. Whisk contents of bowl #1 into bowl #2 until smooth. Gently fold in the egg whites.
6. Pour oil into a medium, pot until it is 2 inches deep. Heat oil until it reaches 350°F.
7. Dip apple rings into batter, then fry for approximately 3 minutes or until golden brown. Turn once.
8. Serve in an onion ring basket with syrup.

i only made half of the recipe, and i added cinnamon on that recipe. so it has a sweet smell :D
well, mine doesn't look as good as bob blumer's.. and i dont have round cookie cutter, so i just cut the apples the way i want. and also i dont have maple syrup, so i just add white sugar on top of it.
but hey it tastes pretty good :P

my version :P

September 11, 2010

hello there Carol!

lemme introduce you a new friend of mine, Carol
it's not mine but i have a little contribution there. ;p so let's say.. i'm Carol's close cousin. hahaha ;p

Carol will be officially open next week, after Lebaran Holiday is over. :)
be sure to visit her and shop! ;)
and get updates from Carol's facebook and twitter!

we sure have a lot of fun doing the preparation, even i accidentally burned my hands T__T cos the spotlight we use for our photo session, fell just right into my hand. and now i have this triangle scar. ugh. but anywaysss... hope you all (especially girls) have fun with Carol as much as i do!

September 09, 2010


am i that invisible?

i'm tired.

so tired..

September 05, 2010


tiba saatnya kembali untuk...

membabi dan membabu.

September 02, 2010

well, yeah.

Sometimes doing something is worse than doing nothing.

August 29, 2010

ciki ciki bom bom

Aku tak pernah jadi murid yang terpandai
Menunggu lama slalu membuat ku bosan
Bawa pergi mimpiku berlalu

Aku tak pernah jadi pilihan terbaik
Mungkin aku sebaiknya bangun dari tidurku
Dan bawa pergi mimpiku berlalu

(Memilihmu -Adhitia Sofyan)

August 27, 2010

totally random

August 26, 2010

happy bear-day

so another year passed..
i wish its not just a year older.. but also a year better :)

the birthday boy *cuppss*

jangan lupa diambil ya.. kasian beruangnya pegel. ; p

August 23, 2010

bunch of roses

and more on the way! XD

August 22, 2010


kucing gede @ Gandaria City

kucing segede ini kok gw bisa gak liat pas pertama kali keliling disana ya? hahaha..

August 17, 2010



July 29, 2010

random post #6

my new babies from kimmyshoe , arrived just in time to brighten up my crappy day. all i want to do is throw a really big rock to some people today, (especially those crazy bus driver. GHRAA) or just simply throw em into the sea so they can swim or be eaten by sharks. (okay. im being evil. but i just had too many problems at the same time. and this is really really really really not a good time to mess around with me.)
anyways.. the shoes is really cute! it still hurting my feet thou :(

and i finally found my lost flash disk. apparently it fell out from my bag the last time i went to uni and helped my friend, and niko found it and gave it back to me this morning. yaay niko! thanks a bunch!
and my computer's also back. i still dont know what's wrong. but it's working properly up til now.

my sister's friend came along today to bake. soo i spent the rest of the afternoon baking. yaay!

July 23, 2010

in a crafty mood

final projects is finally over, the result puts a big-huge-gigantic smile on my face (and yes, meeting my lovely boyfriend afterwards makes the day even brighter! ♥ haha)

and now i have time to do stuffs. (and sleep really really well. haha.) one of them is making handycrafts! :D
this is what i've been doing.. the last 2 days..

the left one supposed to be a bird.. or chicken.. ahhaha.. i dont have a smaller button so i put the one that i have. and now the chicken/birdie looks weird..
and the right ones.. i planned to make em as hair clip.. or corsage. or necklaces. maybe. not sure yet. ahhaha.

July 20, 2010

this is it!

thank you soooo much for everyone!

this is the happiest day of my life! XD

July 18, 2010

my definition of a perfect day

rainy afternoon, acoustic music, a slice of warm garlic bread, a good romantic film, and a cup of hot chocolate. and a bubble bath afterward.

and yes.. of course a day spent with my loved ones. :)

by the way. today is Onie's Birthday! yaay.
Happy birthday darling ♥♥
i hope you have a great one. :D

July 10, 2010

oh so true

i wish i could..

July 09, 2010

buaya yang kasihan

poor buaya.

anyway.. akhirnya tugas akhir gw kumpul juga.. yaay.
wish me luck buat sidang akhirnya mg depan. :D

July 03, 2010

cape deh


saking capenya ga tau hrs nulis apa.

June 27, 2010

s i g h h h s


well, there is just some random time in my life that i really feel like crying.. and some other time, i feel like i need some time alone to think, and then came the part that i would really appreciate if someone sticks around to listen to whatever crap I'm saying and cheer me up.

it's been a though month for me. so many things to do, so little time to do it all, and some of those things, just didn't seem right. now all of those feelings really mixed up.

i just want a day without something to worry about.. : (


June 24, 2010

vampir gendut

one random conversation.

A : pengen gigit orang
W : gigit aku aja
A : sini aku gigit
jadi vampir ga ditanggung
X : kl aku vampir, aku gigit kamu dan keluarga : P
A : maruk
untung kamu bukan vampir
kalo iya, pasti kamu vampir gendut
kayak doraemon
W: wakaka


June 23, 2010

random post #5

my wacom tablet is not working, mysteriously . :( i have to get it repaired. hiks. you're gonna be healed soon, baby. :(

i worked on a scrappy project yesterday, (yes, instead of working on my final project, i'm working on something else.. haha) inspired by my aunt, who made scrapbook for her mom's 60th wedding anniversary, and the whole family took part of it. each family got 2 pages to fill.. and turns out we're pretty good at it. (we : me and my mom), and then my aunt also made one for each of her child.. and well, that really inspires my mom to make a scrapbook of me, and my sister, and we're gonna get it on our wedding day (??) hahaaha. although up till now, she hasn't even start making one. ahhahaha.. well, since her deadline is our wedding, she still got a lot of time to catch up :P

and so, i started first.
its actually my 2nd time making this scrappy thingy.. (the first one is the family scrapbook that i told you about) and the 2nd one.. i cant call it scrapbook, since.. well.. it's not a book.. it's a framey scrappy thingy.. i think :p please lemme know the real name if any of you knew.
this supposed to be a graduation present. (he's not gonna read my blog anyway, at least for a couple of day, since he's busy. so i think its okay to post it here.) i was gonna give it on graduation day.. but i don't have his graduation pics yet, so i need to ask him first. anyways, here's a sneak peek of my framey scrappy thingy. i'll post the whole thing picture later ;p just in case he accidentally read this before i gave him the thingy. :P. (hope u like it dear!)

a part of the framey scrappy thingy (plus a smiley. haha)

i think i did a pretty good job? haha

June 22, 2010


a lil project for my mom's friend..

June 20, 2010

goodbye furry buddy.

: (

June 12, 2010


i wanna say congrats for those who graduated today.. and good luck! :D

especially for my beloved one, congratulations to you dear, i'm happy for youu.. ♥♥

June 08, 2010

hm : )

hey. here i am again, doing my final assignment in the middle of the night.. and feeling so stressed out.

but then this verse came across my mind, and i feel so much better :)

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (Deuteronomy 31:8)

"Sebab TUHAN, Dia sendiri akan berjalan di depanmu, Dia sendiri akan menyertai engkau, Dia tidak akan membiarkan engkau dan tidak akan meninggalkan engkau; janganlah takut dan janganlah patah hati." (ulangan 31:8)

God bless you all.

Good luck to my dear TA fellas, who freaked out just like i did.

May 26, 2010


not in a good mood to do anything..


what the heck happened to me?

May 24, 2010


Bonnie and Bonna

my new wabbits.. named after my dad's former dogs.. i was gonna named em something stupid as kucrut and kacrut or gemblong and gemblung.. but my mom said "YA AMPUN JELEK BANGET SIH NAMANYA!" so then me and my lil sis decided to named em after dad's dog, cos he never get the chance to bring em home.

Bonna was kidnapped when he was just a puppy, and Bonnie.. my uncle took care of Bonnie, since my mom was afraid of dogs (she still does and so am i) and Bonnie the Pomeranian lived until she's 15 y.o. until she ran away from home. dying somewhere else, i assumed.

anyways.. welcome home guys. :D
i hope you two won't die soon. i'm a newbie at this kind of thing. so please. don't die. XD

May 17, 2010

crafty crafty

I've been into handmade accessories since junior high.. learned more while i was in high school.. and i carried pliers, beads, strings, etc. in my bag almost everyday to school. ( that is one of the reason that maybe explains why my grades were pretty poor.. but i made it through.. in science class.. HA HA!). and yes, i actually sell it to the teachers. haha.. :D

when i started uni, i almost didn't have time to do stuffs like that anymore. I'm just too busy with those insane assignments. when i actually have some time off, i'd prefer to sleep.
but lately i got my crafty side back. wrong timing, i know. with my final assignments and stuffs.

well, here i present you my latest work, and i'm so proud of it. :D yeay~! i hope you like it as much as i do. :)

May 14, 2010

according to my birthday

i am...

Humorous, Optimistic & Generous
Inquisitive and energetic, you are the traveler. Your philosophical, broad-minded approach to life motivates you to wander far and wide in the search for the meaning of life. Extroverted, optimistic, and enthusiastic, it can be almost impossible to keep yourself down. You love change. In fact, change is essential for you to feel your best.
Favorable Colors: Purple
Key Body Part: Hips, Thighs
Lucky Gem: Topaz
Strengths: Great sense of humor, idealistic, generous.
Weaknesses: Will say anything no matter how undiplomatic, promises more than can deliver, can be impatient to the point of rudeness.
Charismatic marks: Open and interested. Generally tall, strong legs.
Clothes for comfort, not style. Women act in a “tomboy” manner.
Likes: Travel, being outdoors, freedom, philosophy.
Dislikes: Details, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, clingy people.
Best environment: Outside, on the move.

ha ha :p
funny facebook application :D

May 12, 2010


last week's

this week's
almost finish.. sort of.

another week, another sketch. gosh.

May 06, 2010

Pillow street

good night baby have a good night sleep
if you can't find your dreams, count one thousand sheep
it won't be long, I'll catch you later
it won't be long till i sing you a cradle song
meet me on pillow street

(Pillow St. - Andre Harihandoyo and Sonic People)

May 05, 2010

feeling kind of blue.

help me..
I'm alone with my thoughts..
I'm alone with my emptiness..

: (

May 04, 2010

TA days

as usual, gw menyesali knp mg lalu gw leha leha dan lenje lenje dengan begitu bahagia, tanpa menyadari bahwa minggu ini kerjaan jadi menumpuk. sigh.. lagi2 gak belajar dr kesalahan.

here's a peek of my work.. today..

look at that guy wiro made. hahahaah :P
i think he did a pretty good job, didnt he? :)

May 01, 2010

cooking mama!

i promised my dad i cook breakfast this morning, and i keep my promise. so i made fried rice this morning, and it actually taste good.

well, ok i didn't really cook. i use instant fried rice. hihihi.. but he doesn't have to know, does he? hahha :P

someday pa, i will cook for you. for real. someday! :p

April 25, 2010

it's now 2

hey dear,

happy 2nd anniversary ! ♥

xoxo :p

and yes, here's a big warm panda hug for you :D

(kayak dicekek ya?? hahaah)

April 23, 2010

random post #4

" Communication. It's the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking the harder it becomes to know what to say. Or how to ask for what we really need. "

-Meredith Grey

April 16, 2010

75 lagi nak.

kebodohan hari ini :

pak dosen : " jadi, buat pertemuan berikutnya, buat 25 alternatif masing2 untuk 4 type logo yang td saya bilang.. "
gw : " *glek*.. saya.. udah.. 25 tuh pak~! "
pak dosen : " ya. tapi kamu masih kurang 75 lagi buat senen.. :) "
gw : " err.. iiiya pak.. "
teman2 seperjuangan : " mwhahahahah.."

catetan : hari ini hari jumat. dan 75 alternatif harus sudah ada hari Senin. *jeduk-jedukin kepala ke tembok*

April 14, 2010

random post #3

i don't know what happened. but it seems that i lost my yay-its-finally-final-assignments-im-gonna-work-my-ass-off spirit. :( and think i need that back.

anyway. here's some doodle i did cos i was bored.

it's elvis' night on American Idol. and Adam Lambert is the mentor! yaay moodbooster!

March 30, 2010

bandung cuteness

cuteness #1

waktu ke bandung beberapa minggu yang lalu.. dalam rangka survey untuk TA alias skripsi kl bahasa bekennya, gw pergi ke salah satu mall terbaru di bandung, Paris Van Java. kebetulan dapet parkirnya deket blitz megaplex, jd gw sekeluarga masuk ya lewat blitz. pas lagi jalan.. trus ada anak kecil yg lagi jalan sama papanya.. trus berenti depan poster ini.

anak kecil : "PAPA PAPA... ADA UPIN PAPAA~!!" (fyi, upin adalah salah satu tokoh serial animasi malaysia, mirip tuyul yang punya kembaran namanya ipin)
papa : " mana? "
anak kecil : " ituuu papaaa... ituu.. upiiinnn... " *nunjuk2 poster dengan semangat*
papa : " hahaha.. itu bacanya bukan upin sayangg... itu bacanya AAAPPP IIINNN DI EIRR "
anak kecil : " tapi itu tulisnya upin di eir papa.. "
papa : " iya tapi itu bacanya ap in di eir, bukan upin.. "
anak kecil : " ooo... upinn~ di eiirrr~~ "
orang2 sekitar: senyum senyum + ngakak

cuteness # 2

masih di PVJ, kali ini pas lagi ngantri di toilet. toilet di PVJ ini agak beda sama yang lain, depannya ada kolam ikannya.. (bukan toiletnya di kolam ikan.. kasian dong masa ikannya minum pipis terus). waktu lg asik2 ngantri, tiba2 dateng iim alias ibu ibu muda, gandeng anaknya, cowo.. umurnya paling gede kayaknya juga 2 taunan. masih krucil banget pokoknya. dan anaknya yang goyang2 mulu dan mau ke pinggir kolam terus gt. ya namanya juga anak2..

mama : " HEH KAMUU.. aduuh jangan kesana terus!! ntar kamu kecebur trus dimakan buayaa!!!"
anak : *diem*

astaga mama.. itu cuma ikan koi.. ga ada buayaa~! haha