May 01, 2010

cooking mama!

i promised my dad i cook breakfast this morning, and i keep my promise. so i made fried rice this morning, and it actually taste good.

well, ok i didn't really cook. i use instant fried rice. hihihi.. but he doesn't have to know, does he? hahha :P

someday pa, i will cook for you. for real. someday! :p


pandaliar said...

mama-san nih yeeee~

ADUH GW STRESSS SAMA LOGOOOOO!!! mata gw bener2 meletus deh bentar lagi beh.. @.@"

ace the great said...

enak aja mama san. elo tuh mama san.

sama. gw juga muak.. MUAAKK

Adi Prawiro said...

yaaaa aku kira nasgor non-instant...

ace the great said...

haha.. ntar ya. kl TA uda beres aku nangkring di dapur.. nungguin mama masak! :P