September 28, 2012

random conversation

a random conversation between me, and a friend (name censored for privacy) who plans to go to Bali and ask me some stuff. and then.. this unbelievable convo happens

me: lo cobain makan di seminyak deh
x : seminyak apa tuh?
me : resto italia, namanya ultimo
me : di daerah seminyak, Bali
x : makanannya barat2 gt ya?
me : .....
me : italian.

September 27, 2012

oh hello there

lately during spare time at work i've been "busy" blogwalking and forgot that i actually have my own blog.
soo.. today i am gonna fill in another rubbish post here. and maybe do some layout changes

i just randomly browse my old post and and oh my goodness i just embarrassed myself. =_="
damn it younger me.

so just a quick update on my life timeline.
life's been treating me pretty well, i still work for the same company since almost a year ago (this October remarks my 1 year working here. yay!), having my 4th anniversary with mr. boyfriend, watching L'Arc~en~Ciel LIVE!!! FRONT ROW!!! (oh-my-gosh i am so excited.), having a getaway to Bali earlier this August and last.. getting my hair dyed.

and since this post is really short, i am just gonna share some of my current favorite singer, enjoy!