December 10, 2008

viva cineplex

happy birthday to me. *narsis abis*

so, today isn't that bad after all. it just an ordinary day, but wasn't that bad. i thought i'd end up jongkok di pojokan sambil mainan keong
merasa agak tua? iya lah.. rasanya baru kemaren gw merasakan umur kepala dua, eh tau2 dua-nya udah berbuntut. jih.. time goes by so damn fast.

but......... i'm thankful for everything i have rite now.
gw masih bisa bangun, masih napas, masih idup, masih gendut pula.

mami papi tercintaa, thx 4 everything. maapkan anakmu yang suka kadang2 khilaf. kekeke. u are the best~!!
ade gw tidak tercinta. hehehhe... thx yap. biar lo kadang2 (baca: sering) annoying tapi kl baiknya lagi kumat okeh abis lah pokoknya. hehehhe
tmen2 lama gw, my old pal, my besties.. kl disebutin satu2 bisa kayak sensus RT dan gw pegel.. thx 4 being there 4 me.. thx 4 the memories we've been through ai lap yu olll~
tmen2 kuliah gw, bebi-bebikuuu... temen begadangkuuu... teman2 gosipkuuuu.. hehehhe... thx 4 everything. makasih asistensi onlinenya.. hehehe (bebihh, thx pandanyaa LOVE IT.. dan gak bakal gw pake.. kekekeke)
dapidut.. karena gw gak tau lu harus dikategoriin dimana. kekeke.. thx 4 being there 4 me pid. ntar kl gw mellow-yellow lagi gw gangguin lo aja deh. hwhwhw, ayo cepetan lulus abis itu traktir gw makan! hwhwhwhhww.
watashi no taisetsuna hito.. arigato gozaimaaaassuuuu~ thx udah sering2 begadang bareng, mayan jd punya tambahan temen begadang, thx uda rela ditanya2in tugas gw mulu, pokoknya thx 4 everything.. *mwaaaaah*

last, but not least. cos i'm keeping the best for the last...
God. thanks for everyyythhing.. thanks for always being there for me when nobody else's there. the only one i could cry to. thanks for giving me such wonderful life, wonderful parents, and wonderful people whom i love around me. sorry for all the mistakes i did. and Thank you for giving me the opportunity to live for 21 years..

so... VIVA CINEPLEX! yaay!


Susy Ella said...

met ultah...moga diberi limpahan rizki dan umur yang berkah

pandaliar said...

aww,,, co cuit. taisetsuna hito itu maksudnya siapa? hayooooo~

anyhoo pandanya kudu dipake. kalo ga ntartambahbesar terus bisa gerak2 tiap malem. *lol

ace the great said...

@susy ella:
thx yapph :)

bagus beb kl tambah besarr.. bisa dipeyuk peyuuuukkk *Hoeeekkk*

Tensai Ryuu-chan! said...

jaaahh.... JAMUR GW di ambilll..

ace the great said...

jah. gw nyomot dr inet. hahaha