February 11, 2009

hello holiday

belakangan ini gw sangat amat tidak mood untuk blogging.
jadi kl updatenya lama bgt maklum aja. moodnya ga pernah muncul.

so finally it's the end of 5th semester. say hello to almost-2-weeks of holiday.

already have some plans for such short holiday. next friday i'll be going to puncak to refresh my brain, and simply just runaway from my daily routines such as -wake up- go to uni- go home- take a nap - assignments till morning- sleep -wake up - and so on.

oh well, american idol's on tv now. gotta go!


suryowidiyanto said...

nggak semangat gimana? kayaknya lo deh yg paling update blognya drpda blog gw hehehe... gw jg lagi males nblog