i randomly join a free beauty class from a well known skincare/cosmetic brand last weekend.
i know it's freakin free and i shouldn't complain. and this post make me sound like an ungrateful bitch. tp beberapa hal yg akan gw tulis ini sangat mengganjal di hati.. dan bikin gw agak mempertanyakan profesionalisme staff dari brand tsb.
1. di undangan via socmed tertulis acaranya dimulai jam 9.45 dan wkt dpt telp konfirmasi undangan, mbak yg ngomong sm gw bilang kl acaranya 9.30. jeng jeng.
sbnernya gw merasa aneh. beauty class ini diadain di store mereka di dalam mall. mall sendiri buka jam 10, dan kecuali gym yg emg buka dr jam 6 pagi, sisanya biasanya ga ada tanda kehidupan sampe jam 10. (gw biasa ke mall pagi untuk naik busway pas kuliah)
tp gw akhirnya dateng early, jam 9.30 gw dah sampe dan mall masih gelap. dan bener aja, sampe disitu storenya masih ditutup. tp dah ada org sih di dlm. kyknya masih siap2. akhirnya jam 10 baru bisa masuk dan antri registrasi ulang. seharusnya kl emg dibilang 9.45 minimal jam segitu udah bs registrasi. siap2 hrsnya bisa lebih pagi.
2. di undangan jg stated kl tempat terbatas. disini harusnya pihak strore sudah menyiapkan kira2 bangku sesuai jumlah kuota yg mereka konfirmasi. pada kenyataannya bangkunya kurang terus krn orgnya ternyata cukup banyak dan tempatnya jd super sempit. gw ga tau mereka bener itung kapasitas ruangan ato nggak. tp kmaren itu kyknya kepenuhan banget deh.
3. perlengkapan yg disiapkan kurang bgt. this is a freakin beauty class, ppl. at least siapin 1 set per meja lah ya. jd 30++ org ini gak pusing rebutan kuas/blush on/eyeliner/bedak/dll. ini ada kurang lebih 6 meja panjang. dan ntah berapa set kuas yg mereka siapin. untuk headband juga cm sedikit yg kebagian. and yg agak geli adalah.. kuasnya kotor sodara2! KOTOR BANGET. harusnya at least malemnya dicuci, pagi pasti udah pada kering kok. i know itu kuas sample. tp kan situ ngadain beauty class ya. kl emg professional, hrsnya at least kuasnya bersih. dan gw liat kuas ini kotor bukan setelah acara mekap2an ini mulai. tp the moment i sat down, i saw the dirty brushes. and i'm not impressed and not happy at all.
you know, during the session, makeup artistnya menjelaskan wkt demo gmn cara cuci kuas. tp kuas2 disitu gak dicuci. ironic. ah. dan mascara yg ada di meja gw udah bener2 kering.
4. pembicaranya ngomong "ini produk sangat bagus sekali" di setiap produk yang dia jelaskan. which is.. a lot! they have (more or less) 8 sets of product man. i know you have a good product. tp ga usa lebay sampe bilang "sangat bagus sekali" yang diulang berkali2.
5. makeup artistnya smuanya dandannya sangat amat medok sekali. padahal mereka itu nyebut2 mulu wkt demo soal dandanan yg natural. gw sampe takut untuk di make over sama mbaknya. makanya jd cepet2 dandan sendiri. untung gw bisa dandan walopun ngga canggih2 amat.
6. giving a wrong make up tips!
gw ga sengaja denger salah satu make up artistnya ngajarin peserta di depan gw untuk tarik sedikit ujung mata waktu pake eyeliner. (!!!!) i am no make up expert but i know you should never do that!
kulit di sekitar mata itu agak tipis dan lebih sensitif. dan kl narik ujung mata untuk pake eyeliner itu bs menyebabkan early wrinkle. cewe mana sih yg rela keriput lebih awal? so. gw mempertanyakan jg knp tim make up artist yg katanya udah nanganin jakarta fashion week bisa ngasih tips salah kayak gini. fatal lagi.
its not fair kl gw cm ceritain jeleknya.
some good points :
1. menjelaskan produk dengan cukup baik despite kata2 "sangat bagus sekali". cara penggunaannya jg cukup detail dijelasin. some of the info were new to me. so i did learn something.
2. makeup artist nya cukup helpful untuk bantu org2 yg kurang pengetahuan untuk masalah skincare/makeup. meskipun ada salah tips kyk yg gw tulis sebelumnya. org yg duduk di sebelah gw bener2 no clue and gw perhatiin orang-orang disitu bener-bener bantu dia. maybe juga buat keperluan promosi produk, but anyway it's still a good point!
3. krn acaranya dari pagi sampe siang, mereka sediain snack+minum. so buat yg ga sempet sarapan nggak nelangsa kelaparan. one good point karena ini acaranya sbenernya free.
products wise:
gw blm pengen purchase untuk make up nya. cm bberapa item yg oke. (but a little bit overpriced, well.. i am cheap. lol)
but i actually like their skin care product. and untungnya ga ada break out krn pake kuas kotor rame2 bareng 30 (?) org lainnya.
so that's my thought, semoga info nya berguna buat yg baca. semoga jadi bahan instrospeksi buat org lain yg mau bikin event.
March 04, 2013
February 17, 2013
silly wishes
Sometimes i wish you were a completely different person.
Someone who calls me everyday just because you miss me and wanted to hear my voice.
Someone who's never too busy to reply my texts.
Someone who makes me laugh so hard i cry.
Someone who give me a shoulder to cry on when i am sad. Instead of being the reason for me to be sad and cry.
Someone who is always there to listen to me.
Someone who i can have a long conversation with, til midnight and we're nothing but tired.
Someone who would tell me about how your day went. Whether it's good or bad.
Someone who would accept me the way i am, the way my body looks, instead of telling me to suck in my tummy every time, or say that my thigh is way bigger than yours.
Someone who tell me that i look pretty, instead of mocking me about how my lashes looks like a broom. Or complaining about how you hate my eyeliner.
Someone who tell me that i am the prettiest girl, instead of comparing me to the other girl.
Someone who is not busy browsing with your phone whenever we meet up.
Someone i can share a bowl of indomie when it's raining outside.
Someone who knows what i feel even though i am not saying anything.
Someone who notices small changes that i do. Hair cuts, hair color, eye color. piercings. tattoos. (i am not getting a tattoo, btw)
Someone who ask me to go and meet your friends, but didn't leave me alone in the corner and busy talking to somebody else.
Someone who never wonder how many pairs of shoes that i own.
Someone who would lie down with me at the beach. Or in a field under the stars.
Someone who would do silly things with me. Or taking silly pictures.
Someone who take me to a nice, a casual but romantic dinner.
Someone who sends me flowers or homemade chocolate on val's day, with a sweet messages in a cheesy looking card. even though you know i don't really celebrate valentines.
Someone i can talk about the future and actually excited about it. not run away.
Someone who would show me how much you love me, every time we see each other.
p.s :
I love you so much. I just wish things were different sometimes.
Someone who calls me everyday just because you miss me and wanted to hear my voice.
Someone who's never too busy to reply my texts.
Someone who makes me laugh so hard i cry.
Someone who give me a shoulder to cry on when i am sad. Instead of being the reason for me to be sad and cry.
Someone who is always there to listen to me.
Someone who i can have a long conversation with, til midnight and we're nothing but tired.
Someone who would tell me about how your day went. Whether it's good or bad.
Someone who would accept me the way i am, the way my body looks, instead of telling me to suck in my tummy every time, or say that my thigh is way bigger than yours.
Someone who tell me that i look pretty, instead of mocking me about how my lashes looks like a broom. Or complaining about how you hate my eyeliner.
Someone who tell me that i am the prettiest girl, instead of comparing me to the other girl.
Someone who is not busy browsing with your phone whenever we meet up.
Someone i can share a bowl of indomie when it's raining outside.
Someone who knows what i feel even though i am not saying anything.
Someone who notices small changes that i do. Hair cuts, hair color, eye color. piercings. tattoos. (i am not getting a tattoo, btw)
Someone who ask me to go and meet your friends, but didn't leave me alone in the corner and busy talking to somebody else.
Someone who never wonder how many pairs of shoes that i own.
Someone who would lie down with me at the beach. Or in a field under the stars.
Someone who would do silly things with me. Or taking silly pictures.
Someone who take me to a nice, a casual but romantic dinner.
Someone who sends me flowers or homemade chocolate on val's day, with a sweet messages in a cheesy looking card. even though you know i don't really celebrate valentines.
Someone i can talk about the future and actually excited about it. not run away.
Someone who would show me how much you love me, every time we see each other.
p.s :
I love you so much. I just wish things were different sometimes.
January 19, 2013
Panda Review: Konad Stamp
This is my first product review post. (yay) and no, i am not being paid/sponsored to write this. maybe in the future? XD teehee.
so anyway.
i received a Konad set from my friend on Christmas. before i continue blabbering. maybe some of you wonder.. what's konad? is it some kind of snacks? the answer is (sadly) no.
KONAD Stamping Nail Art is a new nail-imprinting kit that lets you put designs by stamping pre-designed images on your nails in minutes.
so basically its a tool to make your nails look pretty, without visiting a nail salon that would cost a lot. it's simple and easy!
now you know what konad is, lets just continue.
i received the stamper and a S10 plate from my friend. but i haven't use it cos i don't have the special polish.
at first i thought i could only use konad special polish to transfer the picture into my nails, but turns out you can use any polish brand, as long as it's opaque enough, otherwise the image would be too sheer.
but anyway i still bought a few konad special polishes from this website called houseofkonad, just the basic color like black and white cos they can be combined with any color, and the light bronze.
here's a tutorial how to use konad stamp. credit to OhSoPrettyFulz
and so this is the result of my experiment today. :)
so anyway.
i received a Konad set from my friend on Christmas. before i continue blabbering. maybe some of you wonder.. what's konad? is it some kind of snacks? the answer is (sadly) no.
KONAD Stamping Nail Art is a new nail-imprinting kit that lets you put designs by stamping pre-designed images on your nails in minutes.
so basically its a tool to make your nails look pretty, without visiting a nail salon that would cost a lot. it's simple and easy!
now you know what konad is, lets just continue.
i received the stamper and a S10 plate from my friend. but i haven't use it cos i don't have the special polish.
at first i thought i could only use konad special polish to transfer the picture into my nails, but turns out you can use any polish brand, as long as it's opaque enough, otherwise the image would be too sheer.
but anyway i still bought a few konad special polishes from this website called houseofkonad, just the basic color like black and white cos they can be combined with any color, and the light bronze.
i also bought these 2 image plates from the same website:
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left to right: Plate S09 - Plate S06 |
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my stamping set :D |
and so this is the result of my experiment today. :)
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i can haz pretty nails |
things i use:
so here's what i thought:
easy to use
it looks awesome
special polishes are a little bit pricey (30k IDR/5ml)
scraper made of metal. it scratches image plate. T_T
can get a little bit messy
but overall, i love this product! :) might purchase another plate in the future.
- konad stamp
- scraper. (i use cards that i dont use anymore as a scraper, credit card is perfect for this imo. cos the konad scraper scratches my plate T_T)
- s06 Plate
- Pokari dark purple nail polish (i use the cheap ones lol.)
- unbranded silver polish
- konad light bronze special polish.
so here's what i thought:
easy to use
it looks awesome
special polishes are a little bit pricey (30k IDR/5ml)
scraper made of metal. it scratches image plate. T_T
can get a little bit messy
but overall, i love this product! :) might purchase another plate in the future.
random update
it's been raining heavily this week in Jakarta, there's flood everywhere. offices closed and the road filled with brown water that look like milo. it's really sad to see. and i am really thankful that i don't have to deal with flood, but for those who does, please stay safe and strong! we all wish the flood will end soon *hugs*
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pic taken from jakartabocor |
and it's so crazy cold in the office because of the weather, that i actually wear layered clothes, scarf and even socks! and yes, i have a really crazy looking daily socks that i got from payless. and i have 6 of them hahahaha.. (who can resist discount stuff?)
cos of the bad weather i got a bad cold since this morning, (i easily catch a cold anyway ಠ_ಠ ) and i finally asked my boss to go home early and rest. i drink some medicine and sleep right away. it was around 4.30 and i slept till 8.30 pm swt. but hey i feel a lot better already. yihah! :D
cos of the bad weather i got a bad cold since this morning, (i easily catch a cold anyway ಠ_ಠ ) and i finally asked my boss to go home early and rest. i drink some medicine and sleep right away. it was around 4.30 and i slept till 8.30 pm swt. but hey i feel a lot better already. yihah! :D
January 11, 2013
drunken lady
suddenly remember this random conversation that happened a few years ago.
i was at the church, waiting for my parents. at that time i was wearing t-shirt with a big heineken logo on it.
suddenly my youth pastor come by and talk to me.
pastor : please don't drink too much.
me : uh huh? (maybe i look drunk or something. i haven't been introduced to make up back then. so i probably look like a mess)
pastor : you're wearing a heineken t-shirt. haha. that's why i said don't drink too much.
me : oh hahhaha! it's only the t-shirt. i actually dont drink.
p.s : tried heineken a couple of years later. and didn't like it. so no need to worry pastor!
i was at the church, waiting for my parents. at that time i was wearing t-shirt with a big heineken logo on it.
suddenly my youth pastor come by and talk to me.
pastor : please don't drink too much.
me : uh huh? (maybe i look drunk or something. i haven't been introduced to make up back then. so i probably look like a mess)
pastor : you're wearing a heineken t-shirt. haha. that's why i said don't drink too much.
me : oh hahhaha! it's only the t-shirt. i actually dont drink.
p.s : tried heineken a couple of years later. and didn't like it. so no need to worry pastor!
a pic from a couple of years ago. :P
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