September 09, 2009

wiii... today's 09.09.09

huaaahh. what a hot day..

i wish friday comes sooner. cos it's the first day to a new semester. it's not that i miss my classes.. but i miss my friends a lot! (and the food around campus, of course : P)
i cant wait to meet 'em and catch up on the lattest gossip! haha.

uhm.. i accidentally ripped one of my contact lenses yesterday. i just got home after watching district9 (which is a weeeeeiiiiirrdd film.. the baby alien is yuckie, babies were supposed to be cute, even if it's alien's... but this one is simply yuckie.. and the grown alien is even yuckier, with those tentacles and stuff. ah now i know why alien films like this didn't have a romantic scene.. cos they'll be stuck to each other cos of those tentacles.. and why am i talking about aliens???) , so i took my lenses off, but then i saw this yuckie thing called lintah, just a couple of centimeters close to my feet. maybe i panicked a little and didnt put my lenses right, and it stuck on the top lid of my lens case.. and then.. well, ripped. ugh. but then i also found out that i actually need to buy a new pair cos that one is expired.
and how's that little yuckie leech? (s)he's dead.. rest in salty peace.

anyways, sindil showed me this website today, and i thought that it's a pretty cute site for a-baby-name-site. hehehe.


panda.liar said...

knp sih dari cindil jadi sindil.. ampun dah!

ace the great said...

besok ganti jadi sendal deh : P

Adi Prawiro said...

laen kali kita jgn nonton alien lagi de...

hangover tampaknya menarik nih ce.

ace the great said...

film alien biasanya aneh.. tp gw agak pengen ntn aliens in the attic. hwhwhw.