September 21, 2009

mengisi kebosanan sajah

currently addicted to Super Junior Happy - 요리왕 "Cooking? Cooking!"
i know.. it's an old song from suju. but i just found it and turns out i looveeee it! hahaha..

and kang in looks sooo cute in this video.

ya ampun.. jadi laper.

anyways, setelah lama ga main ddr karena entah kenapa ps jadul gw itu ga mau jalan.. akhirnya td siang main lagi, diajakin sama sepupu gw. hehe.. dan karena sudah lama gak main jadi agak dodol.. ga pernah jago juga sih.. tp ya ga dodol2 amat. haha.. duh jadi pengen main lagi, dulu pas masih smp-sma sempet gila main bisa 1-1,5 jam nonstop. tp abis itu kaki lemes banget, kayak abis tes lari (yg biasanya gw jalan kaki dan selalu jadi yg terbelakang :P) tadi main 8 round aja kaki uda mo copot.. jangan2 penuaan dini *amit2*

ah sudahlah.. makin tak jelas ini nanti..
dadah : P

September 15, 2009

what the...

it is the membabi bin membabu time of the year.. yup. lebaran hampir tiba dan asisten pada mudik ke kampung halaman.. kata si asisten pas gw bercanda bilang pulangnya taon depan aja... "kalo aku gak pulang ntar aku nangis niiihh... mati berdiri ntar.. " haha.. lebay deh ih loo..
and so, sejak kemaren malem orang2 serumah sudah mulai kegiatan membabu. :P

pagi ini aja udah mulai bercengkrama sama sapu. ehehehe.

anyway busway..
karena punya urusan ngambil surat, terpaksa di hari libur yang indah bin panas ini kudu ke kampus.. dan pulang menggunakan busway.. which is ntah kenapa penuh banget, padahal nggak biasa2nya jam segitu penuh kayak gitu. macet pula. ck ck ck.. sampe setengah jalan akhirnya gw dapet tempat duduk di sebelah bapak2 berkumis.. dan gw udah nyaris tidur sampe tau2 dia ngajak gw ngobrol.. gw jawab udah males2 sih, udah singkat2, heeh2 aja.. secara juga td gw lehernya gatel dan pengen batuk terus, and i'm not into-talking-to-stranger-thing, especially the one you met in a bus.. mana serem lagi kumisan. X0 tapi ya ampun dia ngoceh muluu.. gw heeh heeh aja deh. maksudnya ya biar dia cape sendiri... tp ya gt deh..
and then suddenly he asked for my number! wtf.. udah ngeluarin hp segala mo ngetik.. bahkan uda ngetik angka nol. well, you wish.. i'm not gonna give you my number, ever.
doh mana macet yak. gw mikir gmana caranya nih pergi dr si bapak aneh ini.. tiba2 hpnya bunyi. legaaa gw. hahaha.. sebelom dia selese nelp mendingan gw ikutan nelp biar nggak diajak ngobrol lagih. and so i called my mom.. sok2 nanya dia uda pulang ato belom.. which is emang gw beneran mau nanya, tdnya cm mo sms aja, tp mendingan di telp aja deh. hahaha.. dan untungnya abis itu uda deket halte tpt gw turun. langsung deh buru2 berdiri trus cabuuutt!!

pas uda sampe.. gw mampir ke toilet dulu.. dan selagi khusyuk, terdengarlah percakapan sangat wth dr bilik sebelah..

cewe1: "eh lagi ngapain lo?"
cewe2: "ya mo pipis.."
cewe1: "gw bs liat loh bayangan lo dr bawah sini.."
cewe2: "oh yaa.. eh iya ding keliatan"
cewe1: "kok lo pipisnya nggak berdiri sih?"
cewe2: "ya iya lah!! masa mo ngangkang?? ntar berantakan doong?"
cewe1: "wakakakaka.."
cewe2: "lagian lo juga pipisnya dudukk, nggak berdiri kann?? gw bisa liat nih bayangan lo.."
cewe1: "iya juga sih.. kayaknya bisa nih ngintip lo.. pake kaca gede.. "
cewe2: "heh gila lo yah!"
cewe1: "lain kali bawa kaca yok.."

dasar cewe2 anehhhh...

anw, sekarang lagi keracunan banget sama ymck! hwhwhhw.. japanese ppl are soo creative!

September 09, 2009

wiii... today's 09.09.09

huaaahh. what a hot day..

i wish friday comes sooner. cos it's the first day to a new semester. it's not that i miss my classes.. but i miss my friends a lot! (and the food around campus, of course : P)
i cant wait to meet 'em and catch up on the lattest gossip! haha.

uhm.. i accidentally ripped one of my contact lenses yesterday. i just got home after watching district9 (which is a weeeeeiiiiirrdd film.. the baby alien is yuckie, babies were supposed to be cute, even if it's alien's... but this one is simply yuckie.. and the grown alien is even yuckier, with those tentacles and stuff. ah now i know why alien films like this didn't have a romantic scene.. cos they'll be stuck to each other cos of those tentacles.. and why am i talking about aliens???) , so i took my lenses off, but then i saw this yuckie thing called lintah, just a couple of centimeters close to my feet. maybe i panicked a little and didnt put my lenses right, and it stuck on the top lid of my lens case.. and then.. well, ripped. ugh. but then i also found out that i actually need to buy a new pair cos that one is expired.
and how's that little yuckie leech? (s)he's dead.. rest in salty peace.

anyways, sindil showed me this website today, and i thought that it's a pretty cute site for a-baby-name-site. hehehe.

September 01, 2009

still looking.

currently having a lot of thoughts in my mind. am i good enough? am i qualified enough? do i make enough effort? why i didn't i hear my phone rings? uh.. when will i have an internship?? ghraa
since almost all of my friends already become interns. and they're all now online from their offices. damn i'm so jealous. T_T

still, hoping for a phone call that bring good news. wish me luck, guys.

anyways. waktu sambil cari2 di internet, asal2 buka aja. tau2 nemu ini. kocak yah kl sampe magang disitu.. bayangkan apa yg terjadi kl ditanya sama orang..

a : ehh.. uda magang loo? dimana?
b : udah dongg.. di wac*al.
a : hah? di bagian apa?
b : divisi designnya dong
a : kerjaannya ngapain aja?
b : lingerie conceptor.

ga keren bgt ya? hahahhaha.

cuma postingan ga penting supaya nggak stress mikirin magang : P